Tuesday 4 December 2012

Assassin's creed

     September 2012, bartender Desmond Miles multinational pharmaceutical company Abstergo hijacking as the "Animus" (a trace the ancestors of the memory of the machine) to the gene seventeenth experimental body, the objective is to get active in 1191 (the third Crusades), belonging to the Syrian assassin organization assassin assassin ancestors Artell Ibn · Lahad (Altaïr ibn La-Ahad) a memory.    Altair was ordered with two assassins to find an ancient relic of the Temple of Solomon, but for their own overconfidence, not only to stop the assassins of the rival Knights Templar and contrary to the three Assassin's Creed - do not kill innocent people, not to expose the whereabouts, not incriminate the Assassin organizations. Back to the assassin organization located in Marcy Sayyaf stronghold the first Assassin Rashid Deding tin South (Rashid ad-Din Sinan) altair dropped to the lowest level, and at the same time to order the assassination of nine in the Holy Land (Jerusalem, Damascus, an important figure of the Akkadian) Knights for a sin, and to bring peace between the Crusader and Saracen forces. Nine goals (part of the real people) were Damascus weapons merchant Tamir, the the Hospital Knights, head Garnier de Naplouse, Jerusalem slavers Talal the Damascus wealthy businessman of Abu'l Nuqoud, Askar regent king William Ⅴ of of Montferrat Jerusalem regent Majd Addin, the the Teutonic Knights head of Sibrand, Damascus scholar Jubair al Hakim and the Grand Master of the Knights Templar, Robert de Sablé.altair assassination of the each of them one by one, as a relic from the acquisition of the Temple of Solomon to control people's thinking and to understand the purpose of the crowd in order to bring peace to the Knights Templar of the final plan for the joint Crusader and Saracen forces to destroy the assassin organization Robert de Sablé disclose the Rashid Deding true identity is one member of the Knights of Altair to assassinate the remaining nine people attempt to monopolize relics and dispatch in dying. Altair back to the assassin organizational security barrier Rashid Deding confrontation informed of the truth: the relics from the previous one human civilization (Those Who Came Before), called "Piece of Eden" (Piece of Eden), also known as the "forbidden fruit." (The Apple), control of the human mind and create the illusion of ancient of supernatural phenomena, including Moses dividends Sea, the Ten Plagues, turning water into wine in Cana wedding, apparitions of the gods in the Trojan War, all relics create phantom . Take advantage of the power of the "Piece of Eden", Rashid Deding the nine assassination target re-metamorphosed themselves split up eight Mirage and make an instant mobile dueled with Altair. Altair to beat the Rashid Deding and the illusionist break. Assassination, "Piece of Eden" projected multiple pieces of the world's three-dimensional images (Abstergo want of memory).