Volunteer work & extracurricular experiences!

Here is the chance to practise your English skills in ways that are fun and interesting to you.
You have the chance to boost your mark by 10 % through extra activities! 

Write a blog about your experience.  You can include volunteer work, clubs at school or any activities in our communities. 
You could attend a free talk at the public library,  go to the ballroom dance at Stelly's or help out with a Christmas event.
These are just a few of the many examples that will help you learn more about Canadian culture and practice English.  Try out a new word or make a new friend!

I will provide a list of places to go, events and websites to help you.

Please write at least 200 words.
Tell us why the activity was interesting and if you would recommend it to your classmates.
Tell us new words or phrases that you practiced.
Describe using your five senses if possible- taste, touch, smell, hearing, sight.
Include any new phrases that you heard at the event.  Write down any questions that you might have about Canadian culture.  Your classmates or I might have answers and be able to respond to your blog!

If you read a blog entry and find it interesting, please respond to your classmates!
Be curious and ask questions about a blog entry. 


  1. http://volunteervictoria.bc.ca/

  2. yesterday i went for first time whit some friends to a hockey game and we went late because we want to go 1 hour to the international Christmas party and then we take the bus outside of Stelly's and we were late in the game we arrive at the middle of the game and then i was COoL!! and then a royal push a Vancouver player and all the people started to fight and i was whit my mouth like :o i need to recored and i take my cellphone and i take video...:D

  3. Before the Halloween day, i johned a volunteer work in the pumkin farm. There had many acitvities for children to celebrated the Halloween. i was working there 2 weekend about 24 hours. At that time, i was working in different activities. such as sold drinks and popcorn, go fishing(the kids will get candy), candy toss(best game in the pumkin farm),and ring toss(can get the pumkins). That is very good, because the candy toss is free, and kids can get lots of candys, but it was once a hour. So when i was appeared at candy toss, at the beginning, the visitors they did not it was free or the time of this. so i need ask for them one by one, and the kids will ask me many questions about the candy toss. i can praotice my english level. when i said that the candy toss was started that kids were become very excited. That is so funny and made me feel happy,
